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HomeNuméros# 15

# 15 | 2014
Les courbes du temps: trajectoire, histoire et mémoire

Curves of Time: Trajectory, History and Memory
Edited by Anne-Sophie Fournier-Plamondon and Jules Racine-Saint-Jacques
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Credits: Van Troi Tran

Mechanical physics perceives a trajectory as the curve described by an object moving in space contingent on a reference point. Inspired by physical sciences, humanities and social sciences have applied the concept of a trajectory to man, their object of study. The study of a trajectory is the study of the successive positions occupied by an agent over time (Bourdieu, 1986), choices that were made among the universe of possibilities (Gingras, 2000). Comprised of a beginning and an end, recognizing the curves, the curvatures, the fractures imposed on individuals by the circumstances of everyday life, chance or social determinisms, the notion of trajectory is at the heart of the description/narration of human phenomena, past, present, or imaginary.


Each article featured in this issue shed a different light on the uses of the notion and its links to history and memory. To this end, they revolve around three focal points: biography, collectiveness and ideas.

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